Trans-Fusion is a series of musical events produced by the Second Programme of the Polish Radio in the Władysław Szpilman Studio and designed by Andrzej Bauer. The participating artists: composers, improvisers – creative musicians of various backgrounds – have created a series of internally varied and sonically rich artistic projects. What has brought them together is a passionate search for new expression, new, sublime sounds obtained thanks to unconventional use of technology. State-of-the-art digital technology but also technology combined with traditional instruments and analogue transformations of their sound.
The speed and intensity of the implementation of musical, sonic and formal ideas came from intense improvised musical sessions made possible thanks to mutual fascination and respect despite the often different styles of music-making and different artistic stories. A spirit of improvisation, supported by the artists’ prowess and ability to control traditional and electronic instruments have brought new and unexpectedly attractive results. So far the concerts have always had a central theme, e.g. from Lutosławski to Szpilman or from Baroque to traditional music.