Trans-Fusion 6 – Requiem
Compositions devoted to All Souls’ Day arranged by the performers as well as compositions by the performers themselves: Louange à l’Immortalité de Jésus (p. VIII of O. Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la fin du temps), Kindertotenlieder – Oft denk’ ich… (no. 4) (G. Mahler), Szomorú vasárnap (1933) (R. Seress), Muzyka form przestrzennych [Music of spatial forms], Klamka [Door Handle] (C. Duchnowski), Pamięci Taty[Dad in memoriam] (Olo Walicki), Make it last again (W. Myrczek).
- Olo Walicki – double bass
- Elżebieta Chlebek – voice
- Wojciech Myrczek – voice
- Andrzej Bauer – cello
- Cezary Duchnowski – computer